Package-level declarations

Provides means to implement and apply cryptographic function dependencies.

The module depends on the following cryptographic functions:

  • ChaCha20-Poly1305 Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) from RFC 8439

  • SHA-256 hashing from FIPS 180-4

  • X25519 Diffie-Hellman exchange from RFC 7748

These can be implemented using for example Java SE 11 or Bouncy Castle.

Note that in some cases we speak of “no-op encryption”. This is to meet the EncryptWithAd and DecryptWithAd Noise specification which provide the identity function when no cipher key is set.


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value class AssociatedData(val data: Data)

For use in Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data.

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value class CipherKey(val data: Data)
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value class Ciphertext(val data: Data)

Result of Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data, or of no-op encryption.

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interface Cryptography

Provide the specified algorithm implementations.

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value class Digest(val data: Data)

Outcome of the hashing function.

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value class Nonce(val value: ULong)

An incrementing but non-wrapping number to be used once for encryption.

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value class Plaintext(val data: Data)
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value class PrivateKey(val value: ByteArray)
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value class PublicKey(val data: Data)
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value class SharedSecret(val data: Data)

Outcome of Diffie-Hellman key agreement.